Friday, June 3, 2011

the same without (would we be)

a flight through visual space
galaxies of dust, tomb and waste
what we lost can not ever come to grace
filling our even-tide
and our separation
feeling the way we move
wouldn't it be necessary,
to follow the same rules
that our bodies
rigor mortis
homage to
hidden logic of a demon god
so preferably obvious,
monstrously demonstrative
of the same metaphors we forget the way of
every bleeding day.

1 comment:

  1. hidden logic of a demon god
    so preferably obvious,
    monstrously demonstrative
    of the same metaphors we forget the way of
    every bleeding day.

    I have wondered about that often. In an old Hindu epic, a magical pixie once asked a great man, "What is the biggest irony of life". The man replied, "It is that we know about the ultimate truth of death, and still ignore its existence all through life"

    Your poem reminded me of this chapter. Loved it!
